Talk about iklhlas, I remembered the movie "Apocalypse Already Close", when the main character, starring Andre "Stinky"-a boy band that sloppy-want to marry a daughter of Kyai. Problems arise when Kyai gives the actual conditions originally intend to weigh, for she did not get married to her son, because the Kyai had a candidate who thinks mebih good. All terms are given, ranging from ordered circumcision (chopsticks), should be able to pray, can the Koran and asked about the job, and all turned out to be fulfilled. Until finally the last terms Kyai give-which again for burdensome and not be married to her son, she gave this guy memepelajari requirement for 'science-minded', in the span of two weeks.
Teacher’s interaction in her duty is not only between the teacher itself and the students but also between with other teacher, students parents and social environment. It is realized or not, teacher is a part of professional occupation. A teacher has two characters, as a human being or personal who does all duties in order to fulfill her personal needs (economic reason) and as professional worker who serves all students and society. Therefore, teacher profession is viewed very important in the line of education.
Teacher’s role in understanding students as base of education
To understand elementary school level student as the base of the development process for teaching and learning center. Relevant principal of general learning is that a teacher should be able to care and flexible in about how or when a student will get a certain competency. A teacher should be able to open the same opportunity for all of student to communicate.
Teacher’s role in understanding students as base of education
To understand elementary school level student as the base of the development process for teaching and learning center. Relevant principal of general learning is that a teacher should be able to care and flexible in about how or when a student will get a certain competency. A teacher should be able to open the same opportunity for all of student to communicate.
A father's dream
Story Source: Bottles Pickles - Book Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul
"The father pass on to their children rather than words or wealth, but something unspoken that is exemplary as a man and a father" Will Rogers
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
My brother in Allah's way. There are many things that have gone from us, one of which may be the attention of a father. Here we posted a story may be ibrah lessons for us. Enjoy.
Why is my son's hard Skinny and Fat?
Alhamdulillah. Dear parents.
Are you worried about your thin child.Why did my son very thin. Starting weight infants to school never rises. There have been many doctors visited, but most said son normal. Normal, but why can not fat like her sister? Even my son has suspected tuberculosis and must take medication 6 months, but were told to stop the drug by a lung specialist because my children are not people with tuberculosis. "
Are you worried about your thin child.Why did my son very thin. Starting weight infants to school never rises. There have been many doctors visited, but most said son normal. Normal, but why can not fat like her sister? Even my son has suspected tuberculosis and must take medication 6 months, but were told to stop the drug by a lung specialist because my children are not people with tuberculosis. "
That is the complaint that is often experienced by some parents with children who have trouble gaining weight or failure to thrive. However, my parents had time to calm, do not worry, son. First you were like that, but after high school you're fat and high "Really so, whether the cause and how is it?
Children Learn From Small
If the child is much criticized, he will get used to blame
If the child is much despised, he will get used to oppose
If the child is haunted by fear, he'll get used to worry
If the child is much pitied, he'll get used to lament his fate
If the child is surrounded olok2, he'll get used to be shy
If a child is surrounded by feeling jealous, he'll get used to feel guilty
If a child is completely understandable, she'll get used to be patient
If a child is given plenty of encouragement, he'll get used to believe in yourself
If your child lots of praise, she'll get used to appreciate
If a child is accepted by the surroundings, he'll get used to love
If the child not much to blame, he'll get used to happy to be himself
If a child is getting recognition from left and right, he'll get used to establish the direction of steps
if the child is treated with honesty, he will get used to seeing the truth
If the child ditimang without bias, he'll get used to seeing justice
If a child mengenyam sense of security, he will get used to relying on yourself and trust the people around him
If the child is surrounded by friendliness, he will get used to the opinion
If the child is much despised, he will get used to oppose
If the child is haunted by fear, he'll get used to worry
If the child is much pitied, he'll get used to lament his fate
If the child is surrounded olok2, he'll get used to be shy
If a child is surrounded by feeling jealous, he'll get used to feel guilty
If a child is completely understandable, she'll get used to be patient
If a child is given plenty of encouragement, he'll get used to believe in yourself
If your child lots of praise, she'll get used to appreciate
If a child is accepted by the surroundings, he'll get used to love
If the child not much to blame, he'll get used to happy to be himself
If a child is getting recognition from left and right, he'll get used to establish the direction of steps
if the child is treated with honesty, he will get used to seeing the truth
If the child ditimang without bias, he'll get used to seeing justice
If a child mengenyam sense of security, he will get used to relying on yourself and trust the people around him
If the child is surrounded by friendliness, he will get used to the opinion
How does your child ...??
Baby Train Reading
Every parents must be happy if their little baby is able to read. Is it possible to train children aged under 2 years old to read?
Dear moslem parents. If that is the question that appears in your mind, with a method created by Glenn Doman, you can teach reading to your child more quickly.
As expressed by Irene F. Mongkar, child observers and practitioners of Glenn Doman method "At age 11 months my son could read 87 words, then at the age of 3 years already read the book. At the age of 5 years, have read the book Gang of Five, "said Irene F. Mongkar.
A few months before his son was born, about 13 years ago, Irene got a book by Glenn Doman "How to Teach Baby Reading". The same book has been read and practiced his colleagues in Surabaya. At the age of 18 months, the boy friend was already reading the newspaper headlines.
10 Things Tabu in Educating Children
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
For moslem family, children are everything. What should parents do to educate their children?
What would happen if children live in conditions that are filled with violence? Sure, he would adopt the ways that often he had seen into his life later. Although not always, the environment is very influential on subsequent child's life, including how to educate their parents.
Children who grew up in a comfortable family situation is different with children who are always given the physical punishment by parents. Unfortunately, not a few parents who do not know how to provide a better environment for optimal growth of children. As a result, your child does not grow as expected.
For moslem family, children are everything. What should parents do to educate their children?
What would happen if children live in conditions that are filled with violence? Sure, he would adopt the ways that often he had seen into his life later. Although not always, the environment is very influential on subsequent child's life, including how to educate their parents.
Children who grew up in a comfortable family situation is different with children who are always given the physical punishment by parents. Unfortunately, not a few parents who do not know how to provide a better environment for optimal growth of children. As a result, your child does not grow as expected.
When do Children Learn English?
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Alhamdulillah, God gives us much time to teach our kids. About teaching English for children, here is a good article.
There is an assumption, the young age children learn languages more easily than adults. There is also an opinion, learning a foreign language early on is not guaranteed. While others say, the success of learning a foreign language is determined by the motive or the need to communicate in their environment. Which is true?
Lately, various foreign language courses, especially the UK, increasingly vibrant. Not only for adults but also children. Institute of schooling did not want to miss the times. Teaching English language which was originally known only at the SMTP level, is now given to elementary students, school pupils and even kindergarten.
Phenomena such an obsession, among others, encouraged by parents who wish their children could speak a foreign language quickly. They looked at each other, the earlier children learn a foreign language, the more easily he mastered the language. Then, what language expert opinion?
Alhamdulillah, God gives us much time to teach our kids. About teaching English for children, here is a good article.
There is an assumption, the young age children learn languages more easily than adults. There is also an opinion, learning a foreign language early on is not guaranteed. While others say, the success of learning a foreign language is determined by the motive or the need to communicate in their environment. Which is true?
Lately, various foreign language courses, especially the UK, increasingly vibrant. Not only for adults but also children. Institute of schooling did not want to miss the times. Teaching English language which was originally known only at the SMTP level, is now given to elementary students, school pupils and even kindergarten.
Phenomena such an obsession, among others, encouraged by parents who wish their children could speak a foreign language quickly. They looked at each other, the earlier children learn a foreign language, the more easily he mastered the language. Then, what language expert opinion?
7 Guide to Become Great Dad
Not only the mother, the father's role in educating children was very large. According to Dra. Henny E. Wirawan, M. Hum., Psi, a father can be a role model or role model. For example, teach people how to be diligent in working. Dad also played the role of family funds as well as a keen observer from his perspective as a father.
Anything that can be a father in support of education when the child starts school?
1. Accompany learn
If you usually read the papers own father, now membacalah with the little one is learning. The existence of the child's father has been pushing for more serious study. If you need to ask, is the father. In order for children's learning process fun, avoid forcing way, scold or beat.
Anything that can be a father in support of education when the child starts school?
1. Accompany learn
If you usually read the papers own father, now membacalah with the little one is learning. The existence of the child's father has been pushing for more serious study. If you need to ask, is the father. In order for children's learning process fun, avoid forcing way, scold or beat.
Republic of Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia abbreviated RI or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country consisting of 17,508 islands, therefore he is called also as the Nusantara (Archipelago Between). With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world and the largest Muslim populated country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic, the House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council and the President who is directly elected. Is the country's capital Jakarta. Indonesia is bordered by Malaysia on Borneo island, with Papua New Guinea on the island of Papua, and Timor Leste in the Timor Island. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and the unity of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India.

The history of Indonesia has been influenced by other nations. The Indonesian archipelago became an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when the kingdom of Sriwijaya in Palembang, religion and trade relations with China and India. Hindu kingdoms and Buddhism has grown in the early centuries AD, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European powers fought each other to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. Once under Dutch rule, Indonesia, then called the Dutch East Indies declared its independence at the end of World War II. Furthermore, Indonesia has received a variety of obstacles, threats and challenges of natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process and the period of rapid economic change.

The history of Indonesia has been influenced by other nations. The Indonesian archipelago became an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when the kingdom of Sriwijaya in Palembang, religion and trade relations with China and India. Hindu kingdoms and Buddhism has grown in the early centuries AD, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European powers fought each other to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. Once under Dutch rule, Indonesia, then called the Dutch East Indies declared its independence at the end of World War II. Furthermore, Indonesia has received a variety of obstacles, threats and challenges of natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process and the period of rapid economic change.
White House had to revise a story about Osama
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - The White House had to revise a story about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the newspaper published in Britain , Guradian, reported. This media is recorded, which turned many facts about the raid operation, and about Osama bin Laden himself.
Now, bin Laden safe house guarded by the police in Pakistan. However, there are many traces of bin Laden who has been abolished. At least, the American soldiers who have been exploring the three-storey building that brings a computer hard drive and valuable documents, including Bin Laden's body was also covered with blood, which is then buried at sea.
Residents Abbotabbad watch the former home of Osama bin Laden. Some of the boys picked up the remains ...
The next day, Pakistani intelligence - angry for not receiving information about the raid. They came carrying furniture and other goods. But it was not possible to remove every trace of drama into the hunting end.
Peeking Dark History of Cambodia (2)
By Olenka Priyadarsani
In the mid-1970s, the Khmer Rouge regime ruled Cambodia Pol Pot's leadership, which has a goal to change Cambodia into an agrarian country with adopts ultra-Maoism. He moved people from cities to villages to work in the fields and kill anyone who opposes. Many innocent people, including women, children, and parents who are victims of atrocities the Khmer Rouge regime.
Ek Cheoung
Some tourists walked through Cheoung Ek mass graves on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Credit photo: AP / Heng Sinith
Located about 14 km from Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital, Cheoung Ek is one of the Khmer Rouge regime was killing and burying people who considered opposing the regime of power. The prisoners are imprisoned in Tuol Sleng (read article Part 1), will be taken to Cheoung Ek to be killed.
I went to Cheoung Ek using tuk-tuk for an hour, with costs $ 7. The road to the outside of the city is very dusty, so I had to close the face with a scarf. At first glance, this place looks like a garden with shady trees. Many butterflies are also flying. The souvenir vendors offer their wares.
Peeking Dark History of Cambodia (1)
A tourist walked to see the photographs of the prisoners who had entered the S-21 prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Credit photo: AP / Heng Sinith
Sightseeing in Cambodia is not only limited to the Angkor Wat, a magnificent Buddhist temple, but also attractions with dark history that lies east of the country.
Cruelty group of Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot in the 1970s left a deep wound for the citizens Cambodia to this day. But the legacy became a tourist attraction, especially for those who like history.
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
I started my trip with a visit to this museum, which is approximately one hour drive from Phnom Penh International Airport. I arrived at their destination at around three, so still have about two hours to explore the place.
At first I thought the Tuol Seng is just an ordinary museum, which many also found in other countries, but it did not. This place presents something quite different.
Tuol Sleng was once a high school in 1975 turned into a prison called Security-21 or S-21. Reportedly there are about 17 to 20 thousand of innocent Cambodians and some foreigners who had been imprisoned here. And of all people detained, only seven people who survived until the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown.
White House: Osama Not Armed, But Against, Washington DC: Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, alias Osama bin Laden was not armed when the special forces the United States attacked the complexity of Pakistan, on Sunday morning last. However, she resisted before being shot. Said spokesman (spokesperson) Jim Garner White House in Washington DC, USA, Tuesday (3 / 5).Garney said also, the wife of Osama's "American invaders in a hurry" and was shot in the leg, but not killed. This statement is clearly contrary to that submitted an official at the White House, the day before [read: Woman It's Not The Wife Osama].However, Garney declined to give more details about Osama behavior during the attack. "Resistance is not (always) requires firearms," he said.
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