Every parents must be happy if their little baby is able to read. Is it possible to train children aged under 2 years old to read?
Dear moslem parents. If that is the question that appears in your mind, with a method created by Glenn Doman, you can teach reading to your child more quickly.
As expressed by Irene F. Mongkar, child observers and practitioners of Glenn Doman method "At age 11 months my son could read 87 words, then at the age of 3 years already read the book. At the age of 5 years, have read the book Gang of Five, "said Irene F. Mongkar.
A few months before his son was born, about 13 years ago, Irene got a book by Glenn Doman "How to Teach Baby Reading". The same book has been read and practiced his colleagues in Surabaya. At the age of 18 months, the boy friend was already reading the newspaper headlines.
After her son was born, Irene Glenn Doman theory to practice. At the age of 11 months baby, it turns out all the words you've read since he was age 3 months, successfully.
Reading is one of the highest functions of the human brain of all living things in this world, only people who can read. Reading is the most important functions in life and can say that all of the learning process is based on reading ability. Children can read a word when they age one year, a sentence when it was two years old, and a book when it was three years old and they love it.
In 1961 a team comprised of world experts, doctors, specialists, reading, brain surgeons and psychologists conduct research "How to develop children's brains?". This then evolved into a surprising information about how children learn, what children learn, and what children can learn.
The results also obtain, it turns out the brain-injured child who can read well at age three or younger. It is clear that there is something wrong on what is happening, in healthy children, if at this age can not be read.
Research on the Brain Child
For the brain it makes no difference whether he 'sees' or 'hear' something. The brain can understand them well. What is needed is a voice that is strong enough and clear enough to hear the ear, and the word is large enough and clear enough to see the eye so the brain can interpret. If the ears receive sound stimuli, either a word or a spoken message, the message is described hearing a series of electrochemical impulses and transmitted to the brain that can see for compiled and interpreted into words that can be understood.
Similarly, if the eye sees a word or written messages. This visual message is decomposed into a series of electrochemical impulses and transmitted to the brain that can not be seen, to be rearranged and understood. Both lines of sight and hearing alike point to the brain where the brain interpreted the second message with the same process.
Two factors are very important in teaching children:
1. The attitude and approach to the parents
of the most important requirement is that between parent and child should have a fun approach, because learning to read is a very good game.
Emphasize your child's learning are:
- Gift, not a punishment
- the most exciting game, not working
- Have fun, not bothered
- an honor, not disgrace
- Gift, not a punishment
- the most exciting game, not working
- Have fun, not bothered
- an honor, not disgrace
2. Limiting the time to do this game so that really brief.
Stop this game before the children themselves want to stop it. Because if the children get bored, he would not be interested again with it, so that makes us to invite children to play.
Teaching stages:
FIRST STAGE: Teach your child to read begins using only fifteen words. If your child has to learn 15 words, he was ready to step into the vocabulary of other words.
Simply make a kind of flash cards, containing the word. Materials used:
- materials made of a rather stiff white paper (poster board)
carton size: height 15 cm, length 60 cm - The words used are written with a big red marker to draw for children
- Font size, height 12.5 cm and 10 cm wide, and each letter is approximately 1.25 cm
- Use small letters (no capital letters)
- Make just 15 words, eg: MOTHER (Ummi / MAMA / LADY), YOU (ABI / PAPA / DAD), CLOTHING, WINDOW, THE EYES, etc.
- The 15 first words must consist of words that are best known and most closely with the environment of the names of family members, pets, favorite food, or something considered important to be known by the child.
- The writing must be neat and clear, simple and consistent model of letter
Sample Flash Card:
First Day
Use a part of the house at least there are things that can divert the attention, good hearing and eyesight. For example, do not have radio that sounded.
- Show the card reads MOM / DAD or the other
- Do not be until he can reach it
- Say clearly 'this reading MOTHER / FATHER'
- Do not explain anything
- Let him see it no more than 1 second
- Show the other 4 cards in the same way
- Do not ask children to repeat what you say
- After word of the 5th, hug, kiss with warmth and compassion in a way that strikingly
- Repeat 3 times with a distance of at least 1.5 hours
Day Two
- Repeat the basic lesson the first day 3 times
- Add five new words which must be shown 3 times during the second day. So there are 6 lessons
- Do not forget to show your pride
- Do not do a test, not time!
Third Day
- Do as day-to-2
- Add five new words like the second day so into 9 lessons
On the fourth day, fifth, sixth repeat as the third day without adding new words.
Seventh Day
Give children the opportunity to show its progress:
- Choose a favorite word
- Indicate as clearly to him and say 'This what? "
- Calculate the heart to ten, If your kids say, make sure you are happy and show your fun If your child does not provide answers or wrong, tell me what the sound is pleased that word and continue learning.
Boredom is the only threat. Do not let the children become bored. "Teaching is too slow or faster than teaching him bored too quickly"
At this first stage, two remarkable things have you done:
- He has trained senses of sight, and more important: he has trained his mind well enough to be able to distinguish the form of writing to each other.
- He's already mastered one form of abstraction of the most remarkable in his life: he could read words. There's only one more big abstractions have mastered, namely the letters of the alphabet.
SECOND PHASE: (the words themselves)
We start teaching children to read by using the words 'self' because the child was initially studied his own body.
- Carton size 12.5 high and 60 cm long
- Font size 10 cm height and 7.5 cm wide with a distance of 1 cm
- Font and color as the first stage
- Create 20 words about himself, for example: tooth foot hand finger nails knee eyes belly tongue cheek chest chin ear elbow leg neck hair nose lips thumb
- Of the 3 groups each 5 words said in the early stages, each taking a long word and add with a new word in the second stage
- Of the 20 new words in the second stage, take 10 words and made 2 groups each 5 words words
- So now you have:
- 3 groups of words from the first stage which has added new words
- 2 groups of new words from the second stage
- a total of 5 groups of words = 25 words
- Do it like the first stage
- After 5 days instead of 1 word from each group with a new word, so that children learn five new words.
- After that every day instead of one long word from each group of data with a new word. Thus every day the children learn five new words each one in each group of words, and 5 long words were taken each day.
- Try not there are 2 words that start with the same sequence, for example, 'tongue' with 'knee'
- Children age 6 months can be taught. Do exactly the same way if you teach him to speak
- Remember, reading is not talking
- Effort to teach babies to read can read to speed up the talk and expand vocabulary.
STAGE THREE: (the words 'home')
- Carton size 7.5 cm high and 30 cm long
- Font size 5 cm height and 3.5 cm wide with a distance closer
- Font and color as the second stage stage
- Consisting of the names of objects around the child and more than 2
syllables, for example: chairs, tables, walls, lights, doors, staircases,
windows, etc. - Use the second stage with every day to add
five new words from the stage into three - After a noun, insert the word property, for example: dishes, glasses,
hats, clothes, orange, pants, shoes, etc.. - Then enter the word act, for example: sitting,
standing, laughing, jumping, reading, etc. - At this stage of said act, to make it more interesting, while
showing the word is, you practice while katakana 'Mother
jump ',' brother jump, 'etc.
- Card size 4 cm high and 20 cm long
- Font size 5 cm
- Lowercase letters, black color
- Show me word for word like the previous stage and combine such as 'this' and the word 'ball' to 'this ball'.
- Do some words several times each day.
FIFTH STAGE: (arrangement of words in sentences)
1. Chose a simple book with the following requirements:
1. Chose a simple book with the following requirements:
- Treasury says no more than 150 words Number of words in a page no more than 15-20 words
- Appeal letters not less than 5 mm
- Wherever possible text and images separately.
- Look for approaching these requirements
2. Copy the words that have each of those pages into a single card about the size of an A4 paper. Black letters, size of letters 2.5 cm high. Number of cards 'arrangement of the words' equal to the number of pages of books. The size of the card must be the same although the number of words is not the same.
Now you already have the cards with the words that exist in every page that gets read child. Punch a hole through the side of the cards to be bound into a book whose content the same but bigger.
3. Read out the card after the card slowly, so that children learn sentence by sentence.
4. Read with expression in accordance with a sentence reading.
5. Do it regularly, at least 5 card 3 times for 5 days.
6. When reading the card on another day, the old card should be repeated. After finishing the cards read, save beurutan within a folder or dibinding deperti books.
7. When finished a book, give a distinguished diploma signed by the mother, who stated that on this day, this date, at the age of the child so, had finished reading this book.
4. Read with expression in accordance with a sentence reading.
5. Do it regularly, at least 5 card 3 times for 5 days.
6. When reading the card on another day, the old card should be repeated. After finishing the cards read, save beurutan within a folder or dibinding deperti books.
7. When finished a book, give a distinguished diploma signed by the mother, who stated that on this day, this date, at the age of the child so, had finished reading this book.
SIXTH STAGE: (arrangement of words in sentences)
At this stage, children are ready to read actual books, because she had 2 times to do that. Font size difference of 5 cm (Stage 4), 2.5 cm (Stage 5) and 5 mm (Stage 6) is very meaningful, especially for very young children, because it also means you are helping to mature and improve the sense of vision.
Key Success
- Do not dull boy
- Do not force the child
- Do not tense
- Do not teach the alphabet first
- Cheer up
- Create a new way
- Answer all the questions children
- Give reading a quality book
Basically children have exceptional ability, especially at the age of the smaller reply. Only needed attention, willingness, perseverance and the primary parents love to make it capable of removing the potential rara avis tsb.
Basically children have exceptional ability, especially at the age of the smaller reply. Only needed attention, willingness, perseverance and the primary parents love to make it capable of removing the potential rara avis tsb.
- The book "Teaching Reading Baby" - Glenn Doman
Republished by Abu Adil