Ikhlas Charity

Talk about iklhlas, I remembered the movie "Apocalypse Already Close", when the main character, starring Andre "Stinky"-a boy band that sloppy-want to marry a daughter of Kyai. Problems arise when Kyai gives the actual conditions originally intend to weigh, for she did not get married to her son, because the Kyai had a candidate who thinks mebih good. All terms are given, ranging from ordered circumcision (chopsticks), should be able to pray, can the Koran and asked about the job, and all turned out to be fulfilled. Until finally the last terms Kyai give-which again for burdensome and not be married to her son, she gave this guy memepelajari requirement for 'science-minded', in the span of two weeks.

The desire was already strong. This guy agreed. Deployed his band of friends, looking for various references, ngobrak tear apart the library, looking at various book stores to find the 'science-minded'. Every book that is the word 'sincere' in it directly taken and purchased. Even in one place, his friends pulled signpost invites mosque 'Al-Ikhlas'. Lol.

Every day she spent for reading the books. Even his band almost disbanded because this guy was so rarely exercise.

Two weeks passed. This guy was never found what they called 'science-minded'. Eventually, he came to Kyai and said resignedly: "Pak Kyai, I can not find the knowledge that you are sincere restrictions. I have been to a lot of lessons from the terms proposed, I can now pray and study, so I also gained a family. I am willing though did not get married the same Your daughter. " But precisely because of this, the Leaders realize that the guy has found a sincere knowledge that, a short story he was married with children.

Seeing the story about what we Think? (Not available). Hemm .. Well, I do not know how to connect it from the side which, obviously here I want to convey about the sincerity.

Ikhlas IS ...
In language, meaning sincere clean of dirt and make something bersoh not dirty. So people who are sincere people who make their religion pure for Allah alone with only His worship and not menyekutuan with others and not riya in charity. Sedangngkan the term, ijhlas means expecting the pleasure of Allah alone in charity without menyekutukannya with another. Purify the intention of damaging dirt.

It can not be denied again that sincerity is one of the primary condition of receipt of charity. Check out some of these arguments.
Word of God in the Qur'an (which means): "Verily We sent down to thee the Book (Al Quran) to (bring) the truth. So worship Allah with fear` atan purify Him (Mukhlis). " (Surah Az-Zumar [39]: 2).
Prophet. says (which means): "Verily Allah will not accept charity unless the charity is carried out with sincerity and hope dilakukakan for the pleasure of Allah alone" (Narrated by An-Nasai and Abu Dawud).
Imam Syafii never gave advice to a friend, "O Abu Musa, if you really really berijtihad with kesugguhan to make all human pleasure (like), then it will not happen. If so, then ikhlaskan amalmu and niatmu because Allah 'Azza wa Jalla "
Such was the importance of sincerity. So important is willing to be a limiting one's charitable admissibility. I do not think it needs to be discussion of this section is too long.

FEATURES sincere?
The next question is how can we feel and try to identify the sincerity? Will it be someone saying: "She was ga-minded, just want to be praised" or: "If it is sincere ngasi, dong!". As if he really knows his heart. More fair and reasonable, in fact the case keikhasan is prerogative of the perpetrator. He who can decide and feel. It would be pretty hard to do if we want to assess the sincerity of others dzahir. But the easiest way to measure a person's sincerity by Al-Banna: "Among the signs of sincerity is that if you like to hide your good and do not like to hide your mistake."

Yes, something like that characteristic sincerity. We are so reluctant mnggebar-heralded deeds done. Or specifically in alms deeds, another statement said: "If your right hand gives, then let your left hand to know". This means that when we berinfaq or shodaqah with the right hand, then we have stored your left hand behind, or inserted into the pocket of pants, except that left-handed (LHO..?! Inconsequential). Of course the point is not so, does this mean part of prudence and care taken not to cause other intentions other than because God (riya '). Riya 'can only make God' jealous ', because of riya' is a double Allah Shirk (small). There are orientation other than God.

In one occasion, AA Gym has extended that analogy is like we are sincere (sorry) CHAPTER aka Toilet (either for what its water). Never defecate, right? Well, when defecation,-especially when in public areas (school, college, etc..) - Then we'll try to do it as neat and efficient as possible, right? Toilet door was locked tight, pants disarmament as calm as possible. We also began to meditate (read: squat) with very careful and tried out the "it" as his silent-silent, like the jargon of the Panther car up to: "barely audible". Even if it is still lacking, airpun faucet turned on to dampen the boom-boom rockets are not controlled. While the hand can only cling to the existing scoop. Then when finished, immediately washed down to clean, and we came out, whistling as if nothing ever happened.

That should be of the charity. Carried out with sincerity. We exert any charity as much as possible when it is done. But if it is done, forget! Simply God judge.

Allaah knows best.

(Diar Rosdayana)