Secret Prayer Duha


There's amazing effects doing Dhuha praying. That's why in SMPIT Baitul Muslim, every students do it by themselves especially before dzikr matsurat at about seven.

God in several verses swear by Dhuha time. In the opening letter Assyams, God says,''By the sun and by the time Dhuha.''In fact, there is a special letter in the Qur'an with Addhuha name.

At the opening, God says,''By the time Duha.''Arrazi Imam explained that God Almighty every swear by something, it shows the great things and great benefits. When God swears by Duha time, mean time Duha is a very important time. True, time Duha is a very important time. Among the Prophet Muhammad's prayer: Allahumma baarik ummatii bukuurihaa fii. That means,''O Allah grant blessing to my people in the morning.''

How to Motivate Students to Read Textbooks

Dear moslem teachers.

Now, we will talk about reading. Maybe some students in your class have less motivation in reading. However as a teacher we should know the way to change the conditions. In SMP IT Baitul Muslim for example, some students never read English material by themselves but I'm trying to overcome it. And I hope this posting will give us the tips to make our students like reading more and more. 

Professors put great time and consideration into selecting textbooks for the basis of their course curriculum. However, students often don't purchase the required reading materials due to cost or do not utilize them as the professor would like. This may be because students do not understand the textbooks, know how to extrapolate key information while studying, or deem the information already available in class lectures. Educators can motivate students to study textbooks through explicit expectations, increased in-class usage and book-specific quizzes and assignments.

How to Teach English Grammar to Children

Teaching grammar to children? Is it possible?
Dear moslem teachers, sometimes we're affraid whether our students get bored or not if we do this. I hope this article can open the questions.
Teaching children English grammar can be a daunting task for two main reasons. First, there are so many nuances of the language for children to learn. Second, learning all of these rules can be boring. However, teaching English grammar can be done in an engaging way. If you have not read the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves," you should.

How to Teach English to Children

Moslem teachers.

Alhamdulillah, God still give us opportunity to learn and one of them by giving me to write this article. OK, our topic is now about how to teach English for children.

We all know that English has become a universal anguage. Many countries have used English as their second languages, where some others use it as a foreign language. In Indonesia, English has become a popular language and children were been taught in English at their school.

Important Vocabulary Definitions

Lesson Plan Terms About Teaching New Vocabulary

Alhamdulillah, I'm very happy to say hello to all my moslem English teachers. Our article now is still about vocabulary.

Effective vocabulary teaching should include at least some, if not all of the important vocabulary definitions for presenting and practicing new vocabulary.

Knowing the educational jargon of teaching vocabulary within the general framework of a lesson plan is important for understanding the bigger picture: how to support readers to become more independent readers. Attending to the phonological awareness of a word is only part of teaching vocabulary. This article will help the teacher define vocabulary while teaching vocabulary.
Consider these important teaching vocabulary terms your next practical steps for additional ways for practicing vocabulary. The more students recognize and work with the target vocabulary, the easier it will be to also recognize those target words in context.

Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary Games and Activities, A Pre-Reading Lesson Plan

Pre-reading lesson plans involve learning how to use a variety of vocabulary games and activities.

There is no limit to how many vocabulary activities a teacher can use, but there is a bit of restriction as to how to use them, especially during the first ten minutes of a reading lesson otherwise known as a 'pre-reading' part of the lesson plan.

Using Vocabulary in a Pre-Reading Lesson

Vocabulary activities can easily start off a pre-reading lesson. When it comes to using vocabulary activities, a pre-reading lesson should contain some if not all, of the new vocabulary. Some ideas include: starting with a brainstorm, comics, a quotation, a dialogue or a sentence as lead-in.

Vocabulary Workshops that Motivate Students

Hi, my brothers and sister in Islam.

Explore Learning Methods that Show the Value of Building Vocabulary

Use focused vocabulary lesson plans to inspire students to learn new words. Help them appreciate differences between words and value the use of discriminating word choice

Students may feel overwhelmed by the volume of vocabulary words they are asked to learn. They may believe that they are able to communicate effectively and see no value in learning more words. Show students how building vocabulary can help them communicate more effectively and prevent miscommunication using these techniques.

Teaching ESL Vocabulary

Lesson Plan, Outcome, Methods, and Alternatives

Dear Moslem Teachers. This is a useful article for us to improve our style in teaching vocabulary.

There are many ways to teach vocabulary to second language students - here is an example of one vocabulary lesson highlighting the specific teaching methods used.

This ESL vocabulary lesson takes place in Spain in a private English academy. The students are in their early teens.

Create Fun Vocabulary Lessons with Word Games

My beloved moslem teachers, teaching vocabulary could be presented interestingly. And here some ways to do it.

Teachers Can Make Learning Interesting and Inspire Students

Put an end to tedious memorization and motivate students to learn; instill playful language arts activities into a vocabulary workshop.

Language arts classes, particularly vocabulary lessons, can easily be reduced to pages of worksheets that require students to study, memorize, and regurgitate information. Unfortunately, once students are tested, they usually file away and forget that information. It doesn’t have to be like that. Teachers can fill vocabulary lesson plans with a variety of learning resources, including games, workshops, and other activities. The goal is to make learning vocabulary fun.

Effective Vocabulary Lesson Plans

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Moslem teachers, again and again we talk about vocabulary. There are some things we should know about teaching vocabulary. Check this.

Motivate Students to Learn New Words

Use interesting and meaningful language arts activities that teach real-life and personal connections to help students understand the value of studying vocabulary words.

A language arts curriculum must do more than simply compel students to learn vocabulary words well enough to take a test. Vocabulary lesson plans need to motivate students to assimilate the words into their active vocabularies. Teachers must establish a purpose in order for students to perceive learning vocabulary words as a worthwhile activity. An effective vocabulary course will guide students to “own” the words and to connect the words to their worlds.

The Effective Way to Learn Vocabulary

Assalamu'alaikum wa.wb.

Dear Moslem Teachers. Now let me share to you all about teaching and learning vocabulary.

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.

Which words to learn

Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:

Communicative Activities

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Dear Muslim teachers.
Teaching English is a fun activity. We can arrange our class ourselves. Some English teacher still confuse how to make their class fully attractive. Here some hints to create our class more colorful.

Children like playing and moving as stated by Mattias (Sadtono (Ed.),1997), and also listening to stories. In teaching English for children teacher should be creative in developing material communicatively to make the instructional process interesting. There are a number of methods/techniques how to develop materials communicatively. Nevertheless, the succeed of the English instruction will one hundred percent depend on the teacher’s effort in creating the techniques in order to be interested in the instructional practice in the classroom.