Effective Vocabulary Lesson Plans

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Moslem teachers, again and again we talk about vocabulary. There are some things we should know about teaching vocabulary. Check this.

Motivate Students to Learn New Words

Use interesting and meaningful language arts activities that teach real-life and personal connections to help students understand the value of studying vocabulary words.

A language arts curriculum must do more than simply compel students to learn vocabulary words well enough to take a test. Vocabulary lesson plans need to motivate students to assimilate the words into their active vocabularies. Teachers must establish a purpose in order for students to perceive learning vocabulary words as a worthwhile activity. An effective vocabulary course will guide students to “own” the words and to connect the words to their worlds.

Help Students “Own” Vocabulary Words

Words are communication tools. Just like any other tool, if a person doesn’t know how to use it, it will be stored on a shelf to collect dust. If students aren’t comfortable using a new word, they will be unlikely to use it.
To help students take possession of new vocabulary words and make them their own, have them:
  • pronounce the word correctly and repeat it out loud until they can say it comfortably.
  • read the age-appropriate dictionary meaning and then say or write the meaning in their own words.
  • use the word in relation to something they are familiar with. (For example: When I walk to the bus stop, I am a pedestrian.)
  • demonstrate the meaning.
  • learn more about the word. (For example: research the word’s history, interesting facts about the word, different forms of the word, etc.)
  • use the word in logical or amusing ways.
  • identify something or someone that the word makes them think of; then have students use the word in a sentence that makes that connection clear.

Connect Vocabulary Words to Students’ Worlds

Students may know how to use a word in a sentence, but if they don’t see a connection between the word and their world, they may not see a reason to remember or use the word. Guide students to discover this connection by directing them to real world applications such as short stories and novels, video and computer games, Internet sites, newspapers, magazines, volunteer organizations, and college brochures.
To help students recognize the relationship between new vocabulary words and their lives, have them:
  • ask What does this word have to do with me? Jot down at least three ideas.
  • list where they might see or hear the word now, and where they might see or hear the word later in their lives.
  • list ways they might use the word now and ways they might use the word later in their lives.
  • research the usage of legal, science, and technology words; then have them identify when, how, and why they might use these words now/later.

Meaning and Purpose Motivate Students

People place value on things that have meaning and purpose. Give students a reason to remember and use vocabulary words by helping them take possession of the words and connect them to their lives.

The copyright of the article Effective Vocabulary Lesson Plans in Curricula/Lesson Plans is owned by Elayne Masters. Permission to republish Effective Vocabulary Lesson Plans in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

Republished by Abu Adil