10 Things Tabu in Educating Children

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

For moslem family, children are everything. What should parents do to educate their children?
What would happen if children live in conditions that are filled with violence? Sure, he would adopt the ways that often he had seen into his life later. Although not always, the environment is very influential on subsequent child's life, including how to educate their parents. 

Children who grew up in a comfortable family situation is different with children who are always given the physical punishment by parents. Unfortunately, not a few parents who do not know how to provide a better environment for optimal growth of children. As a result, your child does not grow as expected. 

Well, here are 10 things to avoid in educating children: 

1. Too weak, for example, always meet all the demands of children. Children are not taught to recognize the rights and obligations. As a result, children become too demanding, impulsive (easy to act without consideration), selfish, and do not consider the interests of others. 

2. Too pressed for example, parents are too organize and direct the child, without regard to the rights of children to determine their own desires, or to develop interests and activities he wanted. As a result, the child will become sluggish, always work as instructed, did not have a stance, and like to fight. 

3. Parents are demanding perfectionist child to show maturity attitude or a specific target that is generally beyond the ability of the fair is owned subsidiaries. As a result, children will be obsessed with the expected accomplishment of their parents. He also will become too harsh and critical of himself. 

4. Parents do not pay attention only to provide a bit of time to pay attention to each child's development, or helping a child take in stages of development. As a result, the child was unable to build relationships with their environment and will grow into an impulsive child. 

5. Too worried about his health Parents worry too much physical condition of children. In fact, objectively, healthy children. Just a little sore, worried parents asking for mercy. As a result, children will easily feel healthy and to feel the same anxiety. Reluctant to play, fear of falling, and so on. 

6. Too indulgent example, constantly bombard children with expensive items or provide special services, without considering what really needs children. As a result, children can become easily bored children, lack of initiative, and had no fighting spirit. 

7. Never give confidence Parents are always predicting errors that do not necessarily children. Parents are also always criticized the child, even for things that should not have to criticism. "You are, anyway, later that fall, how?" As a result, the child will be a pessimistic, low self-esteem, and tend to develop things that are always banned parents. 

8. Rejecting the presence of children, for example, sex of the child is not in line with expectations of parents, so parents tend to refuse to make the child as part of the family. As a result, all actions taken parents always detrimental to the child. Child may have low self and hostile toward their parents. 

9. Like punishing parents being aggressive towards the mistakes made ​​children, and tend to choose to give physical punishment to teach discipline reasons. Can-can the child will regard violence as something fair done and will do the same to his family soon. 

10. Like teasing Parents tend to harass the presence of children with frequent ridicule and reveal the lack of children in front of crowds. As a result, the child will feel unappreciated and low self-esteem. 

As parents, most of us pay more attention to children's behavior, and instead of our behavior as parents. Of course this is something that is not fair to the child. Try to see yourself from the child's perspective. 

The study of one hundred thousand children shows, there are 10 things that children want most from their parents: 

1. No fighting in front of them. Children always imitate the actions of parents. What would happen if every day quarrels of parents before them? 

2. Be fair to all children. Every child has its own uniqueness. All they want is not the same treatment, but fair treatment, according to the needs of each child. 

3. Parents who are honest. Parents who ask their children to lie, of course not aware of what he was doing. Once again, children imitate what their parents do. 

4. Tolerant of other people. Tolerance will teach children to appreciate the difference. 

5. Always greet their friends with a friendly. 

6. Want to build team spirit with them. Cohesiveness between parents and children will be very influential when children grow up. 

7. Want to answer every question them. Take time to them. If you are not able to answer, say you'll find out in advance. 

8. Want to teach discipline, but not in front of others, especially their friends. Essentially, keep your child's feelings. 

9. More to see the positive side than their bad side. 

10. Consistent. Imagine, what if the child is felt today you answered A and B for tomorrow to answer the same questions posed children.